Stuart Nolan | Hex Induction
Hex Induction works with media specialists, technologists, training
and development agencies, events producers, and educational establishments
on innovative training and learning activities and workshops.
Stuart is currently a NESTA Fellow working with magicians and technologists
on teaching, training, presentation, and concept development. Since
the mid 90s Stuart has specialised in troublesome media platforms
producing enhanced versions of over 20 commercial TV shows [including
the first children's interactive TV shows in the UK], services for
mobile technologies, and museum interactives.
As a consultant for Oyster Partners and as a freelance specialist
in training and change management his clients have included Orange,
BBC, The V&A Museum, the French National Audiovisual Institute,
and the University of Milan. He is a Senior Lecturer in Multimedia
Design at the University of Huddersfield and a Visiting Research
Fellow at the Research Centre for Future Communications, University
of Leeds.
He is a regular jury member for the BAFTA Interactive Awards and
a Board member of Media Centre Network. He was formally a Research
Fellow in Interactive TV and Learning at Manchester Metropolitan
University. A regular international speaker Stuart has written for
a number of publications including AI and Society, New TV Strategies,
Which Satellite, The Public Service Review, and Wallpaper*. A feature
screenplay, Needlework, is due to go into production with Open Road
Films early 2005.
Stuart has studied magic at masterclasses with Paul Daniels and
with Eugene Burger and Jeff McBride at the Las Vegas Mystery School.
[Printer friendly version]
There were a number of starting points for my interest in locative
media that are worth considering before looking at the recent research.
The globalization of culture raises issues of lifestyle ubiquity
and estrangement in non-places that may be influenced, positively
and negatively, by ambient computing. I like the fact that locative
technology is being used to mess with virtual and augmented realities
in playful ways that may be a means of 'settling' in a new location
and believe that the new worlds we construct in this way are linked
to our search for the magical. The playful and the magical lead
me to consider toys as a natural area of development.
The Ubiquity of Strange
"You're everywhere and nowhere baby
That's where you're at";
Hi Ho Silver Lining (English / Weiss)
As I'm writing this I have a Lexus print ad in front of me that
gives me a creeping horror. The car is on a remote hilltop but a
man is sitting there surrounded by designer items, Philippe Stark
lemon squeezers, Alessi angel corkscrews and kettles. He has a sign
that says 'Credit Cards Accepted'. The tagline reads, 'Leave the
road behind, not the luxury'.
Susan Sontag once said that the best reason for travel is fear
[i]. The idea of getting to the top of the Alps
and finding Hoxton fills me with dread but I don't think that's
what she meant. She was more probably referring to how the uncertainty
and discomfort of travel can be good for shaking us out of our complacency.
She was advocating leaving the luxury behind, the exact opposite
of the Lexus dream that is in fact a vision of complacence for the
The power of lifestyle ubiquity as a tool for instilling complacence,
in this case a lack of worldly cares, was well understood by the
11th Century Cistercian monks. Under the preceding Benedictine Rules
standards of discipline and devotion varied from one monastic house
to another. The Cistercian response to what they regarded as disorderly
practices was to standardize the architecture, clothing and daily
routine of their monasteries.
These monasteries were perhaps the first places that a person could
have referred to with the now common traveller's complaint, 'I
was in the middle of another country but I could just as well have
been anywhere.' They can be regarded as the first heavily
branded chain, a McMonastery with recognizable franchises spread
across Europe.
Of course the Cistercian idea was that this lifestyle ubiquity
would free the monks from worldly concerns in order that they may
concentrate their souls on higher matters. The promise of technological
ubiquities has been much the same: control, access and choice will
lead to freedom.
The difference may appear to be that the Cistercian idea was based
on limiting choice while the modern technological ideal is based
on expanding choice. But is this really the case? Technology may
give me the choice of places to visit that my grandparents didn't
but the attendant ubiquity means that they all look the same when
I get there.
Whether we are traveling of staying put we are spending more and
more time in what Marc Augre calls "non-places" [ii],
supermarkets, airports, on motorways, in front of TV's, on mobile
phones. Real places that are designed to look and feel the same
and mediated spaces that are designed for maximum usability. In
this respect a phone is experienced more as a place than as an object.
Increasingly the places we inhabit are simulations both of the
real and of the imaginary. Shopping centres are modelled after the
interiors of cruise liners (The Trafford Centre, Manchester), cafés
after idealized rainforests (The Rain Forest Café of course),
cities after films (New York), towns after brand ideals (Disney's
This simulation introduces another level of ubiquity. Not only
do places begin to feel the same but they also feel more and more
unreal. This is the ubiquity of the strange.
Ubiquitous computing which attempts, in an almost animistic way,
to breathe artificial life into as many everyday objects as possible
is another step in this estrangement. Many things will be more than
what they seem but these things will be the same in one respect.
They will be an interface to other objects and other places. As
the network becomes the application these objects will not, in their
fullest sense, exist in a single place.
When it was invented its advocates considered TV a “window
onto the world.” It turned out to be window that could powerfully
affect both what was being viewed and how we viewed it. So without
denying the practical benefits of ubiquitous computing how can we
gauge its potential to effect how we experience the world? Will
everything become both content in itself and medium for something
As the Situationists used to say, 'life is elsewhere'.
The danger of the Martini culture of anytime, anyplace, anywhere
may be that we make everywhere like here and end up with nowhere
left that is elsewhere.
When thinking about locative media my focus is on playfulness and
I am most interested in those situations where people find ways
of using locative technologies to play. Playing with a space is
the first step to understanding it, making it recognisable, living
within it, and finally owning it. My belief is that these playful
uses of virtual places and augmented realities are attempts to build
a feeling of home in the increasingly ubiquitous strangeness. This
building of a home may not necessarily mean that we build virtual/augmented
realities that are copies of the quotidian. Themes from long-imagined
worlds are familiar to us and can feel as comfortable as a desktop
Magical Realms
The Arthur C Clarke quote that 'Any sufficiently advanced
technology is indistinguishable from magic' is most often interpreted
as a description of our general ignorance in the face of technology.
I'd like to suggest a more positive interpretation, that one of
the deep motivations for creating advanced technology is the urge
to create magic.
Science, for good reason, distinguishes itself from superstition
and irrationality by presenting itself as the sceptic at the party.
Always questioning, never taking anything on blind faith, driven
by the quest for the truth. While the strength of the scientific
method lies in exactly these traits it makes it hard sometimes for
a sceptic to remember and recognise the wondrous nature of science.
This wonder is often linked to the playful nature of imaginative
exploration experienced as a child. As the Nobel Prize winning physicist
Richard Feynman observed,
'I've been caught, so to speak - like someone who was given something
wonderful as a child, and he's always looking for it again. I'm
always looking, like a child, for the wonders I know I'm going to
find maybe not every time, but every once in a while.' [iii]
Although the magical is intimately connected with the mysterious
one must be careful not to conflate the two. Things that we understand
can also be magical. In addition to this the element of control
of unseen forces is strong in magical tradition. The movement to
develop ubiquitous,
invisible, ambient
intelligence, can be seen as a wish to create magical realms
where previously inanimate objects have lives of their own but one
in which we, as scientific sorcerers, ultimately have control. Doors
that open with a magical word or gesture
have given way to doors that know who we are and open in our
So it is with an interest in playfulness and the search for the
comfort of a magical that I approach locative media, virtual worlds,
and augmented reality.
The GPS (Global Positioning System) is a 'constellation' of 24
well-spaced satellites that orbit the Earth and make it possible
for people with ground receivers to pinpoint their geographic location.
The location accuracy is anywhere from 100 to 10 meters for most
equipment. Accuracy can be pinpointed to within one (1) meter with
special military-approved equipment. GPS equipment is widely used
in science and has now become sufficiently low-cost so that almost
anyone can own a GPS receiver.
The GPS is owned and operated by the U.S. Department of Defence
but is available for general use around the world. Briefly, here's
how it works:
- 21 GPS satellites and three spare satellites are in orbit at
10,600 miles above the Earth. The satellites are spaced so that
from any point on Earth, four satellites will be above the horizon.
- Each satellite contains a computer, an atomic clock, and a radio.
With an understanding of its own orbit and the clock, it continually
broadcasts its changing position and time. (Once a day, each satellite
checks its own sense of time and position with a ground station
and makes any minor correction.)
- On the ground, any GPS receiver contains a computer that "triangulates"
its own position by getting bearings from three of the four satellites.
The result is provided in the form of a geographic position -
longitude and latitude - to, for most receivers, within 100 meters.
- If the receiver is also equipped with a display screen that
shows a map, the position can be shown on the map.
- If a fourth satellite can be received, the receiver/computer
can figure out the altitude as well as the geographic position.
- If you are moving, your receiver may also be able to calculate
your speed and direction of travel and give you estimated times
of arrival to specified destinations.
The GPS is being used in science to provide data that has never
been available before in the quantity and degree of accuracy that
the GPS makes possible. Scientists are using the GPS to measure
the movement of the arctic ice sheets, the Earth's tectonic plates,
and volcanic activity.
GPS receivers are becoming consumer products. In addition to their
outdoor use (hiking, cross-country skiing, ballooning, flying, and
sailing), receivers can be used in cars to relate the driver's location
with traffic and weather information.
The GPS provides a ubiquitous system for playing games and a number
of groups have begun to use the data it provides in a playful way.
The most popular game being played with the GPS is Geocaching.
The basic idea is to have individuals and organizations set up caches
all over the world and share the locations of these caches on the
Internet. GPS users can then use the location coordinates to find
the caches. Once found, a cache may provide the visitor with a wide
variety of rewards. All the visitor is asked to do is if they get
something they should try to leave something in the cache for others.
Geocache GPS receiver
Although this appears to be a kind of geeky treasure hunt (and
it is) it is also something more than that. The idea of passing
gifts between people through the caches is fundamentally different
from a treasure hunt and is in fact more akin to the 'secret
Santa' games played in workplaces at Christmas where one must
buy a secret gift for someone and receive a gift from a secret Santa
in return. It is the symbolic (the gifts are seldom worth anything)
act of friendship between people who have never met that gives Geocaching
its camaraderie as much as the setting and completing of challenges.
In this sense Geocaching has much in common with Bookcrossing
where books are labelled with unique numbers and then 'released
into the wild' for others to find. The label directs you to
a website where you can find where the book has been, read comments
people have made on the book, and leave comments of your own. Bookcrossing
enthusiasts will often meet up 'in real life'. This
link shows members of the Leeds group that now has 97 members having
While it is true that participants share a love of books and will
often organise local meetings to discuss books (and no doubt get
drunk, have sex, fall in love, and marry) it is the sharing of this
passion in a semi-anonymous way with strangers that is past of the
Over the summer of 2004 I have used geocaching treasure hunts with
a number of teenagers as a tool for teaching technology, group working,
and just having fun. These have sometimes been with young people
with special needs such as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
(AD-HD) and severe sight problems and also wit h those who have
been selected because they have demonstrated distinct creativity.
The aspect of finding and giving gifts is one that often attracts
and inspires them.

An alternative game is to buy a Travelbug (above) from
This is a metal tag with a unique identity number similar to that
given to book by The travelbug is places in a
geocache and generally has a purpose e.g. to get to New Zealand
and visitors to the geocaches try to help it on its way by moving
it to other geocaches.
Similarly, but without the element of using the GPS, sites such
allow you to track the movements of British, American and Canadian
money respectively by using the unique identifiers on the notes.
While to simple tracking of a note has a playfulness to it that
is fun in itself the sharing of the game with others is important.
The notes link people together and the feeling of connectedness
is part of what we are seeking in a strange environment.
The Degree
Confluence Project describes its like so: 'The goal of
the project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer
degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each
location. The pictures and stories will then be posted here.'
The nearest confluence to Huddersfield is in Skipton,
North Yorkshire .
Although the stated aim is to have pictures taken at every possible
confluence the project is really an excuse to tell stories and is
the better for this. This is a site that consists of tourist snaps
from places that are at once real (we can't deny they are really
going there) and virtual (the confluence of latitude and longitude
is a product of the human imagination).
More conventionally, organizations like Utah
Cache Games run games, such as bingo, 3 card poker, and hermit
coins, using geocaches.
Augmented Realities: Pressure and Personalization
In 2001 I wrote a paper for the Museum Directors Association Annual
Conference entitled 'Pressure and Personalization: Issues in Augmented
Reality'. This paper began by discussing work that I had been involved
with, while working for Oyster Partners, on the V&A Museum New
British Galleries. The paper is included with this document but
I will summarize the salient points.
The main complaint people have of museums is that that they feel
they don't have enough time to see the collections. A current response
to this that of the German President Horst Kšhler who has proposed
that Berlin creates a "Best of Berlin" exhibition. Kšhler's project
foresees a special exhibition that showcases highlights from Berlin's
leading museums and galleries, including painting, architecture,
design, photography and technology.
A broader approach to relieving this feeling of pressure to complete
is to find ways to personalise the museum experience. The paper
discusses some of the problems inherent in this approach but the
issue that I focus on here is the technical problem of recognising
individuals that is a requirement for any personalization system.
Tagging individuals in some way is one approach to distinguishing
them and one that has advantages of cost and reliability over methods
such as video-based face-recognition systems.
The concept developed by Oyster Partners and The V&A involved
using the ticket system to issue unique identifiers to visitors
that would allow them to access a database driven website that would
generate a page unique to them and populated with content relevant
to their experience in the museum. As they move around the museum
they can log in to interactive displays to register their interest
in specific objects and then rather then read information/interpretation
during their visit to the museum they can read it at home. This
replaces the leaflets that can often be picked up at museums but
which are seldom read.
Further versions of the system would allow notification of future
events both at the V&A and other museums, marketing offers such
as valued-customer discounts, and community systems based on collaborative
filtering (i.e. you are put in touch with others who are fond of
Flemish furniture).
At present such systems are very expensive but the real barrier
to their development is the business deals that would have to be
brokered between museums. There are, however, some systems being
implemented that share characteristics.
RFID: Smart Ticketing
RFID (radio frequency identification) is a technology that incorporates
the use of electromagnetic or electrostatic coupling in the radio
frequency (RF) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to uniquely
identify an object, animal, or person. RFID is coming into increasing
use in supply-chain management and retail as an alternative to the
bar code. The advantage of RFID is that it does not require direct
contact or line-of-sight scanning.
An RFID system consists of three components: an antenna and transceiver
(often combined into one reader) and a transponder (the tag). The
antenna uses radio frequency waves to transmit a signal that activates
the transponder. When activated, the tag transmits data back to
the antenna. The data is used to notify a programmable logic controller
that an action should occur. The action could be as simple as raising
an access gate or as complicated as interfacing with a database
to carry out a monetary transaction. Low-frequency RFID systems
(30 KHz to 500 KHz) have short transmission ranges (generally less
than six feet). High-frequency RFID systems (850 MHz to 950 MHz
and 2.4 GHz to 2.5 GHz) offer longer transmission ranges (more than
90 feet). In general, the higher the frequency, the more expensive
the system.
R&T are a technology company working with theme parks on
RFID based tickets. These are worn on the wrist by visitors and
have the advantage of being cheap,
robust, and waterproof. They can allow virtual queuing, proximity
marketing, simple virtual purse systems, and the local tracking
of both staff and visitors.
Baja Beach Club
'Baja Beach Club owner Conrad Chase wanted something unique to
identify his VIP patrons. Other clubs had special jewelry (sic)
or key chains, but he was looking for something special. After brainstorming,
he came up with the idea to implant his VIP members with VeriChip's
implantable microchip.' (Prisonplanet)

Versions of this story appeared in the world press after the Baja
Beach Club began chipping its VIPS who can then enter VIP areas
and buy drinks and other items on credit without having to carry
money around. This is seen as a move to make the chip as fashionable
as a tattoo or a piercing in some circles. In the image above you
can see the chip being used and (presumably) some of the VIPs with
whom you can mingle.
RFID and Security/Privacy
The ability to track RFID chips that remain in goods after they
have been purchased has worried some campaigners and pressure is
on the developers to install a 'kill' function that will render
the chip inactive when it leaves the shop.
Intentional tracking for security purposes is also being trialled
and in some areas this may infringe on civil liberties. An controversial
example is the primary school in Tabe, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan
where children's school bags will be RFID tagged. The scheme which
will log when kids pass through the gates and warn the school when
they stray too close to locations deemed dangerous by staff and
parents. This involves RFID readers both at the school gates but
also at “undesirable” locations.
RFID and Toys
The main use of RFID and toys is in supply chain management. Innovision
R&T designed an RFID system for the Hasbro's Star War action
figures after the release of The Phantom Menace. The toys sold 30
million units, making it the largest application of RFID at the
time. Working with Ravensburger - Europe's largest board game manufacturer
- Innovision R&T has developed claims to have developed an RFID
based interactive board game but I have not received any detailed
description of this from them as yet.
EPICS - LARA is a research group at Purdue University running the
Talk-a-toy project. This involves putting RFID into small toys such
as plastic fruit so that a computer with an RFID reader attached
can recognise what they are. It is designed for testing theories
of teaching in an educational environment.
Toy Aware Locations
Building on both the V&A research and the development of RFID
ticketing systems the concept of Toy Aware Locations (TALs) has
been developed.
TALs involve the use of GPS, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and RFID technologies
to enable locations such as schools, museums, amusement parks, shops,
airports, and parks to recognise the presence of a toy that has
a unique identifier. The location can then welcome the toy (and
by extension its owner) to the environment.
The following are two scenarios that describe how RFID and Bluetooth
technologies may be used.
RFID: Sock Monkey
If you compare a Teddy bear with a Furby you find that the Teddy
is the more loved of toys and that this is not explained just by
its longer history. Soft toys such as Teddy bears allow a child
to imagine the bear being whatever character it likes. A Furby is
programmed to do specific things and it then teaches the child to
do these things with it. It is a closed play system with a limited
range of possibilities.
The question I want to answer is this, can soft toys use advanced
technology with out falling into this trap of being imaginatively

Furby VS Teddy
The TAL concept removes the technology as much as possible from
the toy and places it into the environment leaving the toy to be
as simple, lovable, and washable as possible.
The example toy is a stuffed sock monkey because they are very
simple and easy to construct. The monkey could be a kit that includes
an RFID chip that is sown on as a tag or as a button eye.
The RFID enabled sock monkey could be used as:
- A ticket: RFID readers in a theme park know that the monkey
is present and is worth a number of rides on an attraction. RFID
has been used in theme parks and water slides.
- As a guardian: The sock monkey is tracked while within the Theme
Park so lost children can be found more easily.
- A voucher: I buy a sock monkey for my niece and tell her to
take it to Nolan's Toy Shop. When she gets there the TAL knows
that the monkey is present and has been charged with £50
worth of toys.
- A marketing tool: While in Nolan's the sock monkey range of
accessories is promoted to my niece when she is near displays.
- A filter: By going to the sock monkey management website my
niece's parents have switched proximity marketing off as a preference
as they consider it spam so my niece does not get advertised to
when at Nolan's.
- A friend and guide: When visiting a science museum the interactive
displays respond to the fact that the sock monkey is present.
They even know its name.
- A playmate: Playing on the interactive displays sends information
back to the sock monkey's database/memory.
- A storyteller: On returning home my niece can access her sock
monkey's website with her mothers help. There is the story of
they visit to Nolan's and the science museum with stories about
the toys and displays that my niece interacted with. There are
many issues surrounding teaching and learning using the sock monkey
as part of learner journeys.
- A diary: In this example data stored could become part of a
diary of your childhood visits. When you are old enough you would
access your sock monkey's dedicated website and play with these
memories adding new, imagined ones or jumping off to other sites
related to the places you've been and the things you have seen.
There are many discussion to be had surrounding issues of privacy
and security, teaching and learning, and marketing and privacy to
give just three examples. As a concept TALs are intended to raise
such issues and provide an example for such discussion.
Bluetooth: Sock Elephant
The Sock Elephant is an example of Toy Aware Locations where there
is more intelligence/memory built into the actual toy. The elephant
would contain a chip running Bluetooth and so could communicate
with locations that have embedded Bluetooth services.
All the functionality of the Sock Monkey would be possible but
with further possibilities.
The Elephant could gather information from Bluetooth TALs and effectively
remember it.
- This could enable the Elephant to do new things such as speak
about the location or display information on a small screen.
- The information could be transferred from the Elephant to a
computer. This effectively replaces the Web accessed information
in the Sock Monkey example.
- Elephants would be able to communicate with each other.
The Sock Elephant can be imagined as a stuffed toy containing a
small computer but there is another possibility. The Virtual Sock
Elephant would be an application running on a mobile phone or PDA.
It would respond to TALs by giving your phone new functions, downloading
software, video, audio etc to do so. An Elephant style phone case
would make this example more fun.
RFID is limited by its general lack of memory/intelligence, by
the cost of its readers, and by the range of its communication capability,
which is essentially one-way and short-range.
Bluetooth is generally short range and is also expensive both in
terms of the chipset needed to run it and its use of power.
ZigBee is a proprietary set of high level communication protocols
designed to use small, low power digital radios based on the
IEEE 802.15.4 standard for wireless personal area networking.
The technology is designed to be simpler and cheaper than
other Wireless Personal Area Networks ( WPANs) such as Bluetooth.
The most capable ZigBee node type is said to require only about
10% of the software of a typical Bluetooth or Wireless Internet
node, while the simplest nodes (RFDs) are about 2%. ZigBee operates
on the 802.15.4 wireless spec which is mainly designed for command
and control, for which a 200-kbit/s data rate is more than adequate.
ZigBee doesn't do video or CD-quality audio.
ZigBee is aimed at applications with low data rates and low
power consumption and its current focus is to define a general-purpose,
inexpensive self-organizing mesh network that can be shared by industrial
controls, medical devices, smoke and intruder alarms, building-automation
and home automation. The network is designed to use very small amounts
of power, so that individual devices might run for a year or two
with a single alkaline battery. The killer app is probably
There has been some mention of advanced Toys by the ZigBee
Alliance but the only real project has been by Cambridge
Consultants Ltd who have developed two ZigBee enabled monkeys
that hold a short conversation. This was done as a proof of technology
and, as the head of the project say, for publicity.

ZigBee monkeys
Supporters of ZigBee are promoting it as a replacement for Bluetooth
in many areas. 'Until Zigbee, short range, low powered wireless
devices were too complex and expensive to gain market traction,'
says Mareca Hatler, ON World's Director of Research. 'Zigbee changes
all this by providing of ultra low power, low cost and highly reliable
devices that are suited for a wide range of applications. Zigbee
will replace Bluetooth for a wide range of applications that require
very low power consumption, small node sizes and costs as low as
under $1 per unit. These features makes Zigbee very attractive for
several high volume market segments such as industrial automation
and control, energy management, home automation and control and
also gaming consoles and wireless remote toys.'
ZigBee enabled might be the ideal technology for enabling Toy Aware
Project proposal: RealQuest/UltimaOffline
In ancient fables a hero must venture into a magical realm in order
to bring back a powerful object that can be used in the 'real' world
to save the land. As the myths developed the object became something
that had been stolen from the real world and taken into the magical
realm: a ring, a sword, a love.
RealQuest/UltimaOffline turns this mythology on its head by seeking
heroes from virtual worlds to travel into the real world in search
of objects that they can use in the virtual world.
The projects working title is RealQuest/UltimaOffline. It is a
physical game that uses virtual objects from the games Everquest
and Ultima Online.
These are games where virtual objects such as swords, armour, etc
can be rare and highly sought after. These objects are bought and
sold in the real world and can go for hundreds of dollars. It has
been estimated that the global online sales volume in virtual items
is about $75 million annually. (Castronova)

Axe of the Heavens: Ultima Online weapon up for auction on ebay.
RealQuest/UltimaOffline will buy a number of items from the virtual
worlds of Everquest and Ultima Online and hide a code representing
them in suitable real world locations such as castles and historic
monuments around Britain, in Theme Parks, in art galleries, and
in private homes. Using various locative technologies they can be
hidden as data in RFID chips, Bluetooth devices, or on pieces of
paper in Geocaches.
Seekers must find the code in the real world in order to win the
virtual object.
This project was proposed to the audience at the Game Developers
Conference Europe and was received favourable with many suggesting
the addition of physical games in which the seekers must compete
in order to win the objects.
[i] Sontag, S & Poague, Leland A. (1995)
Conversations with Susan Sontag. University Press of Mississippi
[ii] Marc Auge (1995), John Howe (Translator)
Non-Places : Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity
Verso Books, London
[iii] Feynman, R. (1988) What Do You Care
What Other people Think? New York: Pantheon.
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