ixi is an international collective of people experimenting
with electronic musical software. The main research concentrates
on the interfacing between the musician and the functionality of
the program. I.e. how does an interface influence and determine
the way the musician works on the computer? To explore these questions,
ixi has developed various prototypes of electronic instruments which
all suggest different working methods and structuring of sound material.
In the development of all these instruments ixi has been collaborating
with musicians from all over the world who are involved in betatesting
and suggesting new paths to follow and explore.
Sound tools by ixi -
downloadable from their
website. | |
Pixilamp | |
Crystals | |
The Residency Programme started on 1 October 2002, and
during the time ixi are working at the DRU, they will continue their
research on musical interfaces, but with the aim of establishing
a working OSC (Open Sound Control) channeling between ixi interfaces
and soundengines written in software like Supercollider, Max/MSP,
Pure Data or Reaktor.